Monday, March 8, 2010

Tony Abbott - threatened by "Teh Ghays"

Australia's Federal Opposition Leader, Mr Tony Abbott, is apparently 'threatened' by gay and lesbian people.

"There is no doubt that it (homosexuality) challenges, if you like, orthodox notions of the right order of things"

The right order of things? Exactly what does he mean by that? According all of the things he has said, we can assume that Mr Abbott's ideas of the 'right order of things' means:

- you must be Christian (1)
- if you're a woman, you must be a virgin until you are married (no word on the blokes though, naturally)(2)
- your aim in life should be to get married to a person of the opposite sex and make lots of babies for your country (who cares about love, after all?)
- you should be against foreign health care, just in case it includes abortions (3)
- you should feel threatened by anyone who is different to you - like gays and Muslims (4,5)

And yet he says that religion has no place in politics:
"I would be appalled, absolutely appalled, to think religion drove anyone's politics in a secular democracy like ours." (6)

Seriously, Mr Abbott? Are you for real? Get with the times.

1. All Children Must Read the Bible
2. Women should treasure their virginity
3. Rudd betrays Christian Voters
4. Gays challenge the Order of Things
5. Australian Boarders Should Keep Out Muslims
6. Good God It's Tony Abbott

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